Wednesday, February 20, 2019

God's water color paintings.... Tonight's sunset and a surprise!

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It's cool here in Arizona.  Cool as in not ~warm~...  With rain coming over the next couple of days, Darlene, Chuck and I headed out to the flying field on the north end of the park to launch.  We flew about 1/4 mile out on the first battery and managed to grab a few shots of Superstition Mountain and some sky shots about 15 minutes before sunset.
One of the Saguaro Cactus was my favorite, but it had a strange lump on top.  As it turns out - that strange lump (when looking closer) was a Hawk, watching Chuck!  We had flown within 30 feet or so of another Saguaro with a nest in the hollowed out main trunk.  I suspect it was the Hawk's.  Nothing in the nest - yet - but straw..  She watched Chuck for about 5 minutes as I slowly rotated Chuck around her perch - she would step around - always facing Chuck.  I was roughly 50 feet from her and I slowly moved Chuck toward her to try and get a better look as light was rapidly fading.  I was probably within 35-40 feet of her when she had enough and just flew off to the top of another cactus.  Chuck's battery was running low and we had a few minutes of flying to get back to the field and land.   Enjoy the pictures!

What's that on top of the Saguaro Cactus?

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